[WAM]Captures006 From/de Clara Irazabal, Arquitectura-l mail-list >Subject: CIHA Congress on the WWW >A WEB PAGE FOR THE POSTERS AT THE CIHA CONGRESS >From 1 to 7 September 1996 the XXIXth International Congress of the History >of Art (CIHA) will be held in Amsterdam. The first Congress met in Vienna in 1873. In recent decades, the CIHA has met every four years. The 1992 meeting was held in Berlin, and in the year 2000 art historians from all over the globe will be coming to London. >The theme of the 1996 Congress is MEMORY & OBLIVION. The eleven sessions include themes such as "The memory of the art historian," "The art of commemoration," "Oblivion in modern art" and "The modern memorial: victors and victims of war." The program includes excursions in Holland, Belgium and Germany. >A new feature of the 1996 CIHA is a poster section, at which some 140 participants will present their ideas in the shape of texts and images displayed in the lobby of the RAI Congress Centre, where the Congress takes place. At fixed times during the meeting, they will be at their posters to engage in one-to-one discussions with interested colleagues. >This part of the Congress has been installed on a web site which can now be visited. All of the poster presenters and their titles can be looked up, while some of the posters have been enriched with additional material by their presenters. >http://www.let.ruu.nl/CIHA/posters/ >Gary Schwartz >P.O. Box 162 >3600 AD Maarssen >The Netherlands >tel +31 346 562778 >fax +31 346 570574 +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Web Architecture Magazine http://web.arch-mag.com email: wam@arch-mag.com +++++++++++++++++++++++++