From: "Stephan Benkert" NAME: Stephan Benkert TITLE/POSITION: Physicist DEPARTMENT: Building Physics & Solar Energy INSTITUTION: University of Siegen CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, COUNTRY: Siegen, Germany E-MAIL ADDRESS: SUBJECT AREA(S) OF INTEREST/SPECIALIZATION: natural ventilation, low energy and passive solar architecture GEOGRAPHICAL AREA(S): Europe ABSTRACT/TITLE OF DISSERTATION OR MA THESIS AND/OR RECENT PUBLICATIONS [OPTIONAL]: ABSTRACT/TITLE OF RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORK, DISSERTATION, OR THESIS [OPTIONAL]: Presentation of Passive and Low Energy Architecture in Germany by Multimedia Software, see WAM ASPECTS TO BE IMPROVED: visualization of articles and topics in general WAM PREFERRED SECTION/CONCEPT: no preferences up to now Stephan Benkert NESA-Softwarelabor FB Physik Uni-GH Siegen Tel: +49-271-740-4807 Fax: +49-271-740-4899 WWW: