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De/From: rudy barton (bartonr@pdx.edu)
Tema/Topic: young animals
Fecha/Date: 9-Set-96 21:49

just came across WAM...looks great...expecially the section on the young animals...it's time for the herd to be disrupted...rudyb

De/From: David (davidog@servidor.unam.mx)
Tema/Topic: Plaza del Tenis
Fecha/Date: 23-Set-96 0:48

Hola, I'm a archutecture student at UNAM in Mexico city and I'm looking for info (pictures) of the PLaza dell tenis in San Sebastian Spain do you know any place where I can get a picture?? any info will be relly apreciated. E-mail me thanks greettings from Mexico DAVID

De/From: James Hughes (JWH009@VM.CC.LATECH.EDU)
Tema/Topic: Student of Architecture
Fecha/Date: 9-Oct-96 20:36

I am a freshman at Louisiana Tech University, and my major is architecture. I had a drafting job for an architect this past summer, simply because I can use CAD software. I would like to say to all of you board drafters, "Start learning CAD now, because you are already becoming obsolete." With CAD, someone with minimal architectural skills can draft much more efficiently than a board draftsman.

De/From: J.Ignacio Girones (icaro@selene.siscom.es)
Tema/Topic: Saturación iconografica
Fecha/Date: 27-Oct-96 17:2

Creo que resulraria de interes abordar el tema de la saturacion iconografica,tanto en la red, como en el espacio fisico de la ciudad.
Debe, tambien aqui,existir un desarrollo sostenible.Tal vez sea un tema de reflexión, la cultura del proyecto en un mundo dela representación se desplaza hacia la iconografia.La necesidad de una inmediatez en la comunicación privilegia lo iconico.
Gracias y un saludo,

De/From: manu rubio (mjrubio@est.etsab.upc.es)
Tema/Topic: ARQUITECTOS AL 50%
Fecha/Date: 15-Nov-96 6:10

La historia se repite y aquellos problemas que creiamos que iba a resolver el nuevo plan 94 no ha hecho otra cosa que promover el reducionismo. Se reducen las oportunidades, se reducen costes, se reducen conocimientos , se reduce la vida extra-academica, se reduce el compañerismo, se reduce a reducir.
Se reduce el Arquitecto al 50%.

De/From: Josemaria (jfg08171@teleline.es)
Tema/Topic: (spa)Rufino Basañez
Fecha/Date: 15-Gen-97 3:7

Hola a todos.
Soy arquitecto y estoy realizando un estudio sobre la vida y obra del arquitecto vasco Rufino Basañez. Si aguien tiene alguna informacion, sugerencia de donde seguir buscando , informacion que sea interesante sobre el o simplemente quiere comentar algo sobre su obra lo agradeceria.
Gracias por vuestra atencion. Josemaria jfg08171@teleline.es

De/From: David Ruiz (daruiz@i3d.es)
Tema/Topic: Enric Miralles
Fecha/Date: 1-Mar-97 19:16

El pasado miércoles, en la escuela de arquitectura de Barcelona, nos explicaron el proyecto de Enric Miralles del cementerio de Igualada.
Al viernes siguiente fuimos a verlo unos cuantos alumnos.
Realmente quedamos sorprendidos por esa nueva forma de ver un cementerio y por la cantidad de significados que hay detrás de sus formas.
Quizás el quedar "metido" en la montaña y que se vea por encima como chimeneas de Le Corbusier saliendo de la tierra, le da encanto.
Quedamos sorprendidos por la obra de Miralles, siempre tan diferente y atrevida.

De/From: Domingo Merino (bia@xs4all.nl)
Tema/Topic: Amsterdam Life, songs and architecture.
Fecha/Date: 28-Mar-97 20:13

Address: Domingo Merino, Berlage Institute, Marnixstraat 318, 1040 KD Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Answer to Toyo Ito and Maria Isabel Villac, in a personal way....
from domingo merino, spanish architect, work experience in JMAD, Valladolid GZA, Athens Berlage I. student.

"Come to me to a retrospective world. Where everything is close to a mutation reality."
Today, I have to say, I feel really metaphysic so after readings both texts I would like to translate a song written by Battiatto , an Italian singer. The song is called "animal".
Live is not complicated, if you are able to be born again and change several things, frivolous ones and stupidity.
You do lie, you lie well, when you are next to me giving me the reason, and I would like to say to you that I prefer to be alone, and the animal I' ve got inside never let me be happy. He is stealing me everything, even the coffee, I become slave of my passions, without giving up anytime, and never waiting, and the animal I' ve got inside loves you, within my fire' s light and the water which is gonna put it out...
If you want to see how it is burning, throw it into the air or leave it in the ground.
And the animal I' ve got inside never let me be happy, he is stealing me everything, even the coffee, I become slave of my passions , without giving up anytime, never waiting, and the animal I 've got inside loves you.

I don not understand all the meanings of this song but I really like it.
On the other hand, I live next to the Red Light Street in Amsterdam , ( R, L, S, Home), in a really nice flat, you are welcome if you passby near here.
It is true, I can see people looking for drugs and a marvellous canal from the same window. Sometimes I feel pity about them but what I can do?... living here in my island, near the old building's top full of music, images, lights, wood and ancient walls, watching CNN...in that electronic age that Toyo Ito was taking about.
Aniway, I have an strong social life, going from Monopoly sessions at night, to fashion discobars in Amsterdam including contacts with southamerican people.
I am really glad with my apartment. The weather is nice, we are in Berlage holidays time...
And finally, a Batiatto song:

I come here looking for you with the excuse of having to talk...
Because I like what you say and think,
because I need your presence,
to understand better my essence.
see you from Amsterdam.
domingo A similar message was sent to Bk and Tamara but this was not available on internet.
Hello to Colorado, I see everyday american tv, CNN from Atlanta, that's the way I know the weather in Madrid. Thanks to everybody and happy holidays.

De/From: domingo Merino (bia@xs4all.nl)
Tema/Topic: Carme Pinos
Fecha/Date: 28-Mar-97 20:53

No sabria como comenzar a exponer mi enorme interes por un arquitecto, Carme Pinos. Mirando la arquitectura de lejos y cercanamente, en escala y posicion geografica, se reconoce mejor el saber hacer o inventar la arquitectura.
Siento no reconocer tanto ese talento en la repeticion alterada de su excompanero de estudio. (Hablar una vez por telefono no es suficiente, deseo conocerla).
Es evidente su vinculacion al paisaje circundante de sus arquitecturas o el juego estudiado de luces dentro de sus paredes o volumes obliquos, entre otros muchos aciertos dentro de su planteaminetoo ideologico...
Es tarde y debo irme de este edifcio enorme y vacio.
Un saludo a todos. Gracias.

De/From: francesco regola (fregola@student.unitn.it)
Tema/Topic: Santiago calatrava
Fecha/Date: 4-Mai-97 21:45

I appriciated Calatrava's projects.
My opinion is that he is one of the best architect/engineer of this century.
I'd like to have information and pictures of the bridges and in particulary of the one he did in Seville.